Welcome to the documentation of JAX-Fluids!


JAX-Fluids is a fully-differentiable CFD solver for 3D, compressible two-phase flows. We developed this package with the intention to push and facilitate research at the intersection of ML and CFD. It is easy to use - running a simulation only requires a couple lines of code. Written entirely in JAX, the solver runs on CPU/GPU/TPU and enables automatic differentiation for end-to-end optimization of numerical models.

To learn more about implementation details and details on numerical methods provided by JAX-Fluids, feel free to read our paper.

This documentation is work in progress.

Quick Installation

This is a quick installation guide to get you set up with JAX-Fluids. Please check out our detailed installation guide for more information! Install jaxfluids to your Python environment.

$ git clone https://github.com/tumaer/JAXFLUIDS.git jaxfluids
$ cd jaxfluids
$ pip install .

Let’s run a quick simulation to check if everything is up and working.

$ cd examples/examples_1D/02_sod
$ python run_sod.py

JAX-Fluids: First steps


Indices and tables